Forbes Business

Boric, Petro and AMLO will discuss the role of Peru in the Pacific Alliance

López Obrador said that he will talk with the other leaders about what to do with the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, which he had to hand over to Peru. The Mexican president does not recognize Dina Boluarte as president of the country

The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will discuss with his Chilean counterparts, Gabriel Boric, and Colombia, Gustavo Petro, about what to do with the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance that he refuses to hand over to the Government of Dina Boluarte of Peru , as it corresponds.

The Mexican president revealed in his morning press conference that this Wednesday he will have a videoconference with Boric, Petro and other heads of state.

“I am going to take advantage there to make a proposal, to see if we reach an agreement, with the president of Chile, Boric, President Petro of Colombia, and us, because we are four countries, and Peru, to see what we do” , exposed.
López Obrador refused last February to hand over the presidency of the Pacific Alliance to Peru, as it should be, considering that the Boluarte government is “spurious.”

“I maintain that the legal and legitimate president of Peru is Pedro Castillo, who is unjustly in jail. They are accusing him, since he entered they began to accuse him, and they have him in jail, “he reiterated now.

Alliance in crises

The Peruvian crisis and López Obrador’s response have affected the Pacific Alliance since last year, a commercial block of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru that represents more than 40% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Latin America and represents the eighth world economy.

Initially, Mexico was supposed to hand over the pro tempore presidency to Lima at the Pacific Alliance Summit scheduled for Mexico last November, but it was suspended because the Peruvian Congress did not allow then-President Castillo to leave the country.

Despite the fact that the Summit was postponed and moved to the Peruvian capital for December, weeks later Congress dismissed Castillo, who was imprisoned after carrying out a failed self-coup.

López Obrador has since aligned himself with former President Castillo, has granted asylum to his wife and children, and has denounced that it was a coup against him orchestrated by the oligarchy.

“He suffered from a coup d’état by those who dominate in Peru, the so-called political class of Peru, defender of economic interests, of large national and foreign corporations, with an addition, which is the one that outrages me the most, bothers me: the racism”, remarked López Obrador this Wednesday.

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