Forbes Business

Daniel Romano Hajaj: the lawyer who gives tips on social media

Check out the exclusive interview with the professional, who talks about how to clear your name, vehicle seizure and more!

Lawyer Daniel Romano Hajaj began his career in 1998, in his first year of college, as an intern, and the following year, he joined a law firm with a strong presence in pro-bank actions, especially the search and seizure of vehicles .

After a hiatus, he resumed his studies with the completion of college and passing the Bar exam, in December 2006 and February 2007, respectively, returning to work for financial institutions, both on the active and passive side.

His work on behalf of banking houses ended in December 2019 when he left one of the largest law firms working in banking law.

In 2020, it began working predominantly in the banking area and defending debtors.

In these years of operation, the office has grown exponentially, having gone from 150 processes in 2020 to 1500 in 2023, as well as serving around 2000 clients per month in the administrative sphere.

Among the main services provided are questions about fees, tariffs and charges charged in bank contracts, protection of the debtor’s assets, based on judicial procedures, defense in search and seizure actions and the rehabilitation of the name of individuals and legal entities before credit protection bodies.

In parallel with the legal procedures, the office team has negotiators who start to discuss values ​​with financial institutions, seeking the financial settlement at the best possible value, achieving excellent results, with reductions that generally reduce the client’s debt by more than 70%. % (seventy per cent).

On social media, it has more than 120,000 followers, highlighting the production of content and answering questions sent by its followers daily.

Although the firm operates predominantly in the area of ​​banking law and the defense of debtors, it has departments in several areas, such as medical, criminal, labor, family and inheritance law.

How to get rid of a bad name or know how to deal with the seizure of a vehicle?

As a specialist in these areas, it is always good to know more about these subjects. Therefore, Daniel Romano Hajaj gives some tips on how to act in certain situations.

Market leaders in the most appropriate solutions to rehabilitate consumers’ names before credit protection agencies, today, this service accounts for around 70% of the demand we have every day.

So, what to do when it comes to “clearing your name”? “If the debtor is unable to pay off the debt, which often becomes unpayable, the best solution is our credit rehabilitation service, where we identify mistakes, illegality, in placing the consumer’s name on the list of bad actors. payers and reestablish their suitability within commerce in general”, he explains.

If the name is already included in SERASA (Brazilian brand of analysis and information for credit decisions and business support), pay attention and find out if this situation is not erroneous. For Daniel, in some cases having the name displayed in SERASA is wrong, “because to enter the debtor’s name in their systems, not only SERASA, but other credit protection bodies, have to comply with requirements required by law, and most of the time, these requirements were not met.”

According to him, if the debtor is unable to honor his debt, he can use appropriate procedural means to have his name rehabilitated with credit protection bodies.

Regarding the seizure of vehicles, the professional highlights that many do not seek help in these cases, as they believe that the end has already been decreed. “This is because the banks, with the clear intention of avoiding losses due to the non-repossession of the vehicle, do not meet the essential requirements to take action, and, if this is the case, if the vehicle is not returned, the consumer will be compensated for the estimated value of the asset, plus a fine of 50% of the contract value”, he explains.

For Daniel, the biggest reason is default, since Brazilians, at the time of purchase, only think about whether the installment fits into their budget, failing to think about IPVA, insurance and vehicle maintenance.

“If you are already in this situation, the first guideline is to hide the vehicle, since with its seizure, the bank will not negotiate, wanting to receive the full value of the contract, in cash. Afterwards, the consumer should look for a lawyer specializing in banking law, being very careful not to fall into the hands of an adventurer or a company that claims to be a specialist in reviewing abusive interest rates, which will often just take the consumer’s money, without providing an effective solution to the customer’s debt”, he emphasizes.

Hajaj clarifies that this professional will identify all irregularities in the contract and will indicate the best procedural strategy to defend the consumer’s interests, highlighting that the consumer must not fail to present his defense, since without it, he will have to bear the procedural costs and fees for the bank’s lawyer, and, in addition to being without your vehicle, you will have a debt balance with the bank.

Number dropped by WhatsApp and you work with it

Many people work with their telephone devices, use messaging applications and have their numbers known because of this. However, it is common to find complainants that their numbers have been dropped, causing a burden on their daily lives.

“This situation has been very recurrent in recent times, my office, in fact, in the month of January 2024, had 03 numbers dropped, under the allegation of SPAM, that is, the application’s algorithms understood that standardized messages are those unwanted messages and end up dropping numbers”, highlights Romano.

In this case, even with injunctions to reestablish the lines, they remained banned, generating fines to be paid by the company that maintains the application.

“The first course of action that must be taken is to open a support ticket, sending an email clarifying that the ban is undue. Always remember to copy yourself in the email sent. With the opening of this complaint, the line will be restored within around 48 hours, if the undue ban is found. Afterwards, open a complaint on the website reclameaqui and”, he indicates.

If the ban is still maintained, it will be necessary to take legal action against the company, requesting an injunction to reinstate the line. “If the line is used to exercise the profession, the company may be ordered to pay compensation for moral and material damages and loss of profits, without prejudice to any fine for non-compliance with the injunction”, he concludes.

The lawyer finally clarifies that although his office is headquartered in São Paulo, he operates throughout Brazil, having clients in all Brazilian states, as well as clients residing in other countries, such as the United States, Canada, Japan and Italy .

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