Forbes Business

Number of investors in crowdlending platform increased, but does not exceed 26%

Over the past two years, the number of women investing through impact crowdlending at Goparity has increased by around 8%. But still, female investors remain at 26%

Over the past two years, the number of women investing through impact crowdlending on Goparity has been increasing, reveals this ethical finance platform.

Between 2020 and 2021, the number of female investors increased by around 8% and when analyzing their representation in the over-65 age group, the discrepancy between men and women is smaller, with a total of 34% of female investors being observed in this age group. investors, eight percentage points above the total average.

This trend is also seen in the group of people who invest the most in the platform, with two women in the top 5 and even the largest individual investor in Goparity is a woman. Yet women continue to represent only 26% of the total number of individual investors. Goparity assumes that one of its objectives is to increase this percentage.

“According to the Mastercard Women and Finance study, despite the progress already seen in terms of involving women in these areas, more than half of those interviewed still consider that their financial knowledge is very basic. Additionally, only 38% claim to have basic knowledge, which may mirror the profile of Portuguese investors. There is still a way to go towards gender equality in the financial world and at Goparity we want to actively contribute to this change”, says Rita Oliveira, Chief Marketing Officer at Goparity.

Companies looking for financing

Goparity also released data on the profile of its promoters (companies seeking funding for their sustainable projects through the platform). Of the total of 113 companies, 50 have at least one woman on the Board of Directors, thus representing almost 40% of the total companies financed by the platform.

Among the various promoting companies, there are, for example, the green hydrogen company Keme Green H2 and 50 Rebels, a Portuguese company producing electric bicycles.

“Not only do we want to grow our investor and promoter base with women in leadership positions, but also set an example from within. We are currently a team of 21 people, of which 11 are women, which is, in our view, a very balanced proportion. Since the last round of investment, we have not only two women in executive positions: Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Technology Officer, but also a woman on the company’s Board of Directors. It is impossible to refer to our last round of investment without also highlighting the fact that our main individual shareholder is a woman”, adds Rita Oliveira. Goparity’s main mission is to democratize access to sustainable finance, connecting companies and individuals who want to invest in projects with positive repercussions for people and the planet.

Currently, the platform has almost 30 thousand users from more than 70 countries. Projects funded through the platform have already supported almost 200,000 people in vulnerable situations, created almost 7,000 jobs and helped to prevent the emission of 23,800 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year.

Collaborative funding Crowdlending is the practice of lending funds to companies through digital platforms such as GoParity, which link lenders to borrowers. Also known as peer-to-business lending (P2B), it is essentially crowdfunding lending, in which a collective of investors lend funds to entities through digital platforms or service providers, bypassing banks and other financial institutions. .

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