
Lucky Girl: Brazilian child star Sophia Eldo

That’s right, Brazilian child star Sophia Eldo is in Seoul, preparing for the launch of her…

Anderson Coelho: From Popsicle Seller to Successful Entrepreneur in Portugal

Itamarandiba, Minas Gerais, was the birthplace of one of the most notable Brazilian entrepreneurs in Portugal.…

Lleida.net sales grow by 7% until April and reach 6.3 million

The listed Lleida.net has increased its sales by 7% between January and April, reaching a value…

Monterrey: elegance and detail

They say that Vuelta Abajo is the best land in the world to grow tobacco. And…

Camila Silveira’s Events Drive Entrepreneurs and Business Marketing Departments Towards Success on Social Media with Artificial Intelligence

Camila Silveira, renowned speaker and specialist in training entrepreneurs and corporate marketing departments, is leaving an…

How to set a trend?

Aymond Joabar, Group President of American Express Global Merchant & Network Services, offers an insider’s view…

Roche Bobois takes another step to strengthen its commitment to sustainability

The brand now has 260 stores in 60 countries and is expanding at an average rate…

Ray-Ban Meta launches smart glasses with Ferrari

Meta and Ray-Ban continue their partnership with the launch of new smart glasses design in collaboration…

Microsoft earns 20,445 million euros in its third fiscal quarter, 19.9% ​​more

The technology giant Microsoft recorded a net profit of 21,939 million dollars (20,445 million euros) in…

Apple is betting on Spain and will invest in a new solar energy project in Segovia

“We are proud to provide new clean energy to the networks in Spain to help offset…